Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sentences. What is the function

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nioalqolbi98 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Listen and repeat.Pay attention to the sentences.
What is the function of the sentences in bold?

Dialog 1
Mother: Hello, Edo.
Edo : Hello. What is it, Mom?
Mother: Where are you now?
Edo : I am at the table tennis court. (I am watching a match). Mother: Alright. (I
am just checking you). Have fun!
Edo : Thanks, Mom.

Dialog 2
Delia : Randy, are you free at the moment? I need your help.
Randy : Sorry, can I help you later?( I am doing my homework.)
Delia : What homework? Maybe I can help.
Randy : (I am doing my math homework.) I have difficulties with it.
Delia : Let’s see. It is a bit difficult. Let me help you.
Randy : Alright. Thanks

Dialog 3
Wisnu : Wow! This is a nice climbing wall. Is Edo climbing that wall?
Cindy : Yes. (He is racing with Randy.)
Wisnu :Is that Randy climbing next to him?
Cindy :Yes. (He is getting ahead.)
Wisnu :Why don’t we race after them?
Cindy :Alright. Let’s put on our climbing gears.

*tuulisan tebel aku ganti pake tanda kurung tolang dijawab trimakasih

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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21