Read the following text to answer questions16-19.I got a terrible

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari wlorianadiva pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the following text to answer questions16-19.
I got a terrible day today. Early in the morning,
I got up with a pain on one of my teeth. I directly
remembered that I forgot to brush my teeth last night.
When Mom knocked on my door, I could
not open the door. I stayed on my bed holding
my cheek. Mom opened the door and asked me
what happened. I told her that I got a terrible tooth-
ache. She gave me an aspirin to relieve my pain.
Then, she asked me to get dressed and then
called the dentist.
I cried loudly and refused to go to the dentist.
I was so scared. My Mom insisted me to go, but
I refused it. Finally, Mom called the dentist to
cancel the appointment.
Soon, I regretted my decision because the
pain on my tooth became worse. I promised to
my Mom to go to the dentist tomorrow.
16. How did the writer get the toothache?
a. He went to bed too late.
b. He ate too many candies.
c. He had a serious mouth cancer
d. He didn't brush his teeth the night before.
17. What is an aspirin for?
a. Relieving pain.
b. Curing sickness.
c. Drying the mucus.
d. Covering the holes.
18. Why did the writer refuse to go to the dentist?
a. Because he didn't want to leave his room.
b. Because he had plenty of works to do.
c. Because he was afraid of the dentist.
d. Because he wanted to go to school.
19. "Soon, I regretted my decision ...." (last
The underlined word means ....
a. to feel happy about something you have
b. to feel sorry about something you have done
c. to make somebody else happy to know it
d. to let somebody else know what happens

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


16. D. He didn't brush his teeth the night before

17. A. Relieving pain

18. C. Because he was afraid of the dentist

19. B. To feel sorry about something you have done


maaf kalau salah..

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Jun 21