34. a. Runsb. Sleepsc. Barksd. JumpsLet's study together again tomorrow.:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mobileria5 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

34. a. Runsb. Sleeps
c. Barks
d. Jumps
Let's study together again tomorrow.
: Do you study everyday?
35. Frank
a. Yes, I do.
c. Yes, I does
d. Yes, you are
b. Yes, I am
36. We play football twice a week.
The negative form from the sentence is....
a. We are not play football twice a week.
b. We are not playing football twice a week.
c. We don't play football twice a week.
d. We doesn't play football twice a week.
d. Tailor
37. My mother sews clothes or dresses. So, my mother is a .....
a. Nurse
b. Architect
c. Fashion designer
The following text is for number 38 and 39.
Hello, my name is Andrew. I am 31 years old. I am a chief technician in Pizza Hut I love my job. I am pizza taster, too. So, I taste
every new pizza before you can eat it.
38. What does Andrew do?
a. A lawyer
d. The owner of Pizza Hut.
C. A pizza delivery man.
b. A chief technician
39. Andrew .... every pizza before we can eat it
a. Taste
b. Tastes
c. Tasting
d. Tasted​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


34. gaada soalnya

35. A. Yes, i do

36. A. we are not play football twice a week

37. D. tailor

38. A. a chief technician

39. C. tasting


semoga tepat ya maaf kalo ada yg salah

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Last Update: Sat, 17 Jul 21