Read the procedure text below !Steps how to make iced

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nandanaandhika pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the procedure text below !Steps how to make iced Selendang Mayang

a. Cook the green batter in water and stir it until boiled, then pour into the sheet pan

b. Mix sago flour and hunkwe flour

c. Prepare a sheet pan

d. Cook the red batter in water and stir it until boiled, then pour into the sheet pan

e. Mix brown sugar and water to make sugar sauce

f. Cook the white batter in water and stir it until boiled, then pour into the sheet pan

g. Finally, iced selendang mayang is ready to served.

h. Mix coconut milk, pandan leaves, and a teaspoon of salt. Boil it in a different pan

with the sugar sauce.

i. Cut the batter and put it with coconut milk, sugar sauce and ice cubes into a glass

The right steps to make ice Selendang Mayang is ….

a. b – d – f – e – g – h – a – c – i

b. b – a – c – e – g – d – f – h – i

c. b – a – g – e – c – d – h – i – f

d. c – b – d – f – a – e – h – i – g

19. Arrange these words into correct sentence!

Menteng Street - is - after – many - menteng – trees – named – there – grow

a. Menteng Street is named after many menteng trees grow there

b. There menteng is many grow named trees Menteng Street after

c. Menteng is named after Menteng Street grow trees many there

d. Menteng Street after many menteng grow there is named trees

20. Dayu : “ … are we going to do today?”

Siti : “ We are going to play Galasin.”

The suitable word to complete the sentence is …

a. What

b. Who

c. Where

d. When

21. Mumun, Siti, and Zaenab played Keripik Jengkol in the yard yesterday. They … in


The correct verb is ….

a. Jump

b. Jumps

c. Jumped

d. Jumping​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


18. D

19. A

20. A

21. C


18. urutan paling akhir pasti g karena merupakan penutup dan pilihan jawabannya satu-satunya yg urutan akhirnya g cuman pilihan D jadi jawabannya D

19. karena paling nyambung

20. karena jawaban siti menunjukkan kegiatan bukan tempat, orang, atau waktu. jadi jawabannya what are we going to do today?

21. karena ada kata yesterday jadi kalimat past tense. dalam kalimat past tense, verb 1 diganti jadi verb 2. verb 2 dari jump adalah jumped jadi jawabannya jumped.

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jul 21