Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari princesamosir pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama
8.What if we travel by train so that we won't get any delay?The appropriate situation for the
suggestion is ...
a.The train daily departs from
Malang at 2:25 pm and arrives to
Jakarta at 5:43 am..
b.A passenger plane crashed into
the sea off Jakarta on October 29,
c.The flight to Malang has been
delayed by 4 hours
d.A lot of the train companies offer
passengers some compensation
if their train was delayed by over
30 minutes
9. I suggest that we use Borkers as our
main suppliers. They're good and
furthermore they're cheap.
The appropriate response to accept the
suggestion is
a. I don't feel like it
b. I beg to differ.
Not necessarily
Why not?
10. We have to go early
we won't
be late
a. for that as to d in
d. order to
11. Someone needs to get a job
money for living
a. for
b. to what order to
suggestion is ...
a.The train daily departs from
Malang at 2:25 pm and arrives to
Jakarta at 5:43 am..
b.A passenger plane crashed into
the sea off Jakarta on October 29,
c.The flight to Malang has been
delayed by 4 hours
d.A lot of the train companies offer
passengers some compensation
if their train was delayed by over
30 minutes
9. I suggest that we use Borkers as our
main suppliers. They're good and
furthermore they're cheap.
The appropriate response to accept the
suggestion is
a. I don't feel like it
b. I beg to differ.
Not necessarily
Why not?
10. We have to go early
we won't
be late
a. for that as to d in
d. order to
11. Someone needs to get a job
money for living
a. for
b. to what order to
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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21