Follow these instructions.1. Click the Start button, and then, on

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari felitalau pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Follow these instructions.1. Click the Start button, and then, on the Start menu, click Devices and Printers.
2. Click Add a printer.
3. In the Add Printer wizard, click Add a local printer.
4. On the Choose a printer port page, make sure that the Use an existing port button and the recommended printer port are selected, and then click Next.
5. On the Install the printer driver page, select the printer manufacturer and model, and then click Next.
6. If your printer isn't listed, click Windows Update, and then wait while Windows checks for additional drivers.
7. If none are available and you have the installation CD, click Have Disk, and then browse to the folder where the printer driver is located. (For additional help, consult the printer manual.)
8. Complete the additional steps in the wizard, and then click Finish.
Tip :
You can print a test page to make sure the printer is working correctly. If you've installed the printer but it doesn't work, check the manufacturer's website for troubleshooting information or driver updates.
Adopted-from :

25. The text mainly talks about the way to .... *

A. Print files.
B. Check a printer.
C. Install a printer.
D. Repair a printer.

26. Where can you find use an existing port button? *

A. In the Add printer wizard.
B. On the Devices and Printers.
C. On the install the printer driver page.
D. On the choose a printer port page.

27. To check whether you’ve done the procedure properly, you should .... *

A. Consult the printer manual.
B. Print a test page before using it.
C. Check the manufacturer’s website.
D. Browse the location of the printer drive.

28. “...... the r͟e͟c͟o͟m͟m͟e͟n͟d͟e͟d͟ printer port are selected...... “(step 4)The underlined word can be best replaced with ...... *

A. Chosen.
B. Allowed.
C. Defined.
D. Supported.

mohon dibantu kak, jgn dijwb asal ya kak ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


25) C. Install a printer

26) C. On the install the printer driver page

27) B. Print a test page before using it.

28) D. Supported

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Last Update: Tue, 27 Jul 21