Activity 5 Complete the story with correct form of past continuous

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari caa9312 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Activity 5Complete the story with correct form of past continuous tense of the words in the parentheses.
Yesterday, it"............ (rain) all day. Doni ......... (play) inside the house with his younger sister,
Dian. Dian 3)
(feel) bored. Doni ................. (try) to entertain his sister. He ).................
(tell) a story about “The Legend of Tangkuban Parahu" when the electricity went out. Because her
sister was scared of dark, Doni lighted up a candle. Then, he). (sing) songs to his sister.
When Doni and Dian....
(sing) together, the phone rang. His mother was calling to say
that she
(come) home.
When they
(wait) for their mom, somebody knocked on the door. It was their
father. He 10)
(bring) cake. When they 1).
...(prepare) the tables to eat the
cake, their mother came home. They 12)......... (eat) the cake together. When they were
eating, the rain stopped. No one realized it. They 13).
(have) such a good time.
Modul 5 Yesterday. Today and Tomorrow

Activity 5
Complete the story with correct form of past continuous tense of the words in the parentheses.
Yesterday, it

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. was raining
  2. was playing
  3. was feeling
  4. was trying
  5. was telling
  6. was singing
  7. were singing
  8. was coming
  9. were waiting
  10. was bringing
  11. were preparing
  12. were eating
  13. were having


past continuousitu cumawas/were + verb -ing. semoga membantu

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Last Update: Mon, 25 Apr 22