Isi kolom yang kosong (titik-titik) dengan kata kerja lampau atau

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Jsmiinee pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Isi kolom yang kosong (titik-titik) dengan kata kerja lampau atau kata kerja progresif lampau{III}. Fill in the blanks with past simple verbs or past progressive verbs.

1. When Mrs. Golan .... (open) the door, her children .... (do) homework and her husband (read) ..... the newspaper.

2. What .... you .... (do) yesterday at half past eight in the morning? I .... (study) at school.

3. .... he .... (arrive) at the meeting on time?

4. .... they .... (paint) the walls when your mother .... (come) in?

5. While Dan .... (fix) the chairs, his sister, Ronan, .... (work) in the garden.

6. They .... (watch) television when the lights ....
(go) out.

7. While mother .... (hang) the clothes, her two daughters .... (wash) the dishes.

8. Tom .... (water) the garden when it .... (start) to rain.

9. She .... (talk) on the phone, when I .... (arrive).

10. .... (read) a book when you .... (call) me.

11. The children .... (play) tennis when their grandmother .... (come) to visit.​
Isi kolom yang kosong (titik-titik) dengan kata kerja lampau atau kata kerja progresif lampau
{III}. Fill in the blanks with past simple verbs or past progressive verbs.
1. When Mrs. Golan .... (open) the door, her children .... (do) homework and her husband (read) ..... the newspaper.
2. What .... you .... (do) yesterday at half past eight in the morning? I .... (study) at school.
3. .... he .... (arrive) at the meeting on time?
4. .... they .... (paint) the walls when your mother .... (come) in?
5. While Dan .... (fix) the chairs, his sister, Ronan, .... (work) in the garden.
6. They .... (watch) television when the lights ....
(go) out.
7. While mother .... (hang) the clothes, her two daughters .... (wash) the dishes.
8. Tom .... (water) the garden when it .... (start) to rain.
9. She .... (talk) on the phone, when I .... (arrive).
10. .... (read) a book when you .... (call) me.
11. The children .... (play) tennis when their grandmother .... (come) to visit.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. opened, were doing

2. were you doing , studied

3. did he arrive

4. were they painting - come

5. was fixing - worked

6. were watching, went

7. was hanging, washed

8. was watering - started

9. was talking, arrived

10. I was reading, called

11. were playing, came


semoga ga salah yaaa

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh inelogo dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21