In your group of four, reread the texts in task

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari maulasyakirasilvya pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

In your group of four, reread the texts in task 6 and understand the content of each text to answer the questions below orally.1. How can you tell about Indonesia?

2. How many islands does Indonesia have?

3. Are Indonesia a popular country in the world? Why?

4. Why does Indonesian love to use Bahasa Indonesia?

5. Is Indonesia a rich country? Why?

6. Please, tell about traditional food in Indonesia!

7. How is about traditional clothes in Indonesia?

8. There are some interesting tourist objects in Indonesia, explain them!

9. Do you think Indonesia will be a superpower country someday? Give your opinion!

10. Do you love to live in Indonesia? Why?​
In your group of four, reread the texts in task 6 and understand the content of each text to answer the questions below orally.1. How can you tell about Indonesia?2. How many islands does Indonesia have? 3. Are Indonesia a popular country in the world? Why?4. Why does Indonesian love to use Bahasa Indonesia? 5. Is Indonesia a rich country? Why?6. Please, tell about traditional food in Indonesia! 7. How is about traditional clothes in Indonesia?8. There are some interesting tourist objects in Indonesia, explain them!9. Do you think Indonesia will be a superpower country someday? Give your opinion!10. Do you love to live in Indonesia? Why?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. Indonesia is a famous archipelago country in the world because of it's wonderful natural beauty. It is one of the countries in Southest Asia.

2. It has around 17.000 islands.

3. Cause indonesia has around 17.000 islands and 33 provinces with over 230 million people.

4. Because of Indonesia has many traditional languages but bahasa Indonesia helps people from different islands to communicate each other.

5. Cause Indonesia has many traditional food, attires, and houses from every place.

6. For example, Yogyakarta has Gudeg and Maluku has papedas the traditional food.

7. Indonesia also has some traditional clothes, such as Tulang Bawang from Lampung, Serui from West Papua or Urang Besunung from east Kalimantan.

8. Indonesia has many tourist destinations, Bali island is one of them, but there are many attractive tourist destinations like Kuta beach, Tanah Lot, Nusa Dua etc. in Papua, there is also a gorgeous place called Raja Ampat. It attracs domestic and western tourist because of its amazing sceneries many people called it a hidden paradise because its wonderful beach and scenery.

9. Of course, yes! Cause indonesia has so many things that anybody haven't seen it in another country. Like what we talking before, indonesia has so many tradition and a hidden paradise so yeah, it's a chance for Indonesia to be a superpower country.

10. I love to live in Indonesia cause my country is gorgeous and has so many thing we haven't seen it in another country and I'm happy being the one who born in Indonesia.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh buffypuffy dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Thu, 01 Jul 21