below!There are many teachers in my school. But, Mr. Henry

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizkygagah107 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Below!There are many teachers in my school. But, Mr. Henry is my favorite His full name is Ha
Agus He teaches mathematics. He was born in February 1980. He lives in J. Semar. Sen
Mr. Henry is 160 cm tall His skin is white. He has round face with mustache on his lips.
light brown rown eyes. His hair is wavy and black. His nose is flat. He has white and tidy
He is very sman teacher. He can speak many languages, including Indonesian Jay
Sundanese, English, and Arabic. He is talkactive, that is why he can teach us clearly. We
atraid to ask him difficult Mathematics questions. His hobbies are fishing and singing. Som
he Wes to cook too. He often brings foods to school
1.What is the techer is full name?
2 How old is he now in 2021
3.How are his eyes?
4.How many languages does Mr. Henry speak?
5.What are his hobbies?
10 poin
tlong bantu soalnya hari in dikumpul ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


There are many teachers in my school. But, Mr. Henry is my favorite His full name is Ha

Agus He teaches mathematics. He was born in February 1980. He lives in J. Semar. Sen

Mr. Henry is 160 cm tall His skin is white. He has round face with mustache on his lips.

light brown rown eyes. His hair is wavy and black. His nose is flat. He has white and tidy

He is very sman teacher. He can speak many languages, including Indonesian Jay

Sundanese, English, and Arabic. He is talkactive, that is why he can teach us clearly. We

atraid to ask him difficult Mathematics questions. His hobbies are fishing and singing. Som

he Wes to cook too. He often brings foods to school


1.What is the techer is full name?

Answer : The teacher's full name is Ha Agus

2 How old is he now in 2021

Answer : He is 41 years old

3.How are his eyes?

Answer : light brown eyes

4.How many languages does Mr. Henry speak?

Answer : He can speak many languages including Indonesian Jay

Sundanese, English, and Arabic.

5.What are his hobbies?

Answer : His hobbies are fishing and singing.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh afifahraenisha1 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 14 Jun 21