B. 1. is this doll (you)? no, its (she)answer:2. this

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mayaameliasari2007 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

B. 1. is this doll (you)? no, its (she)answer:
2. this is (he) ball. but that one is (she)
3. this is (they) cat. the cat scratch (it)
4. we met sarah and tia last night. this house is (they)
5. in our garden there is a bird. the nest is (it)
6. can i use (you) skateboard? (i) is broken
7. (she) dog is at the vet because it has hurt tail
8. ira and i order sphaghetti. it as (we)
9. the monkeys eat (they) bananas
10. oki, is this your bike? no, this bike is (you)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. is this doll (you)? no, its (she)

answer: Is this doll yours? No, it's hers.

2. this is (he) ball. but that one is (she)

answer: This is his ball, but that one is hers.

3. this is (they) cat. the cat scratch (it)

answer: This is their cat; the cat scratch its (?).

4. we met sarah and tia last night. this house is (they)

answer: We met Sarah and Tia last night; this house is theirs.

5. in our garden there is a bird. the nest is (it)

answer: In our garden, there is a bird; the nest is its.

6. can i use (you) skateboard? (i) is broken

answer: Can I use your skateboard? Mine is broken.

7. (she) dog is at the vet because it has hurt tail

answer: Her dog is at the vet because it has hurt tail.

8. ira and i order sphaghetti. it as (we)

answer: Ira and I order spaghetti; it is ours.

9. the monkeys eat (they) bananas

answer: The monkeys eat their bananas.

10. oki, is this your bike? no, this bike is (you)

answer: Oki, is this your bike? No, this bike is yours.


Possessive Adjective & Possessive Pronoun

Possessive Adjective menunjukkan kepemilikan suatu benda. Biasanya setelah Possessive adjective, ada noun.

Possessive Adjective: My, your, our, their, his, her, dan its.

Possessive Pronoun yaitu kata ganti dari Possessive Adjective. Digunakan untuk menghindari pemborosan kata dan menjadikan kalimat lebih sederhana. Biasanya sebelum atau sesudah Possessive pronoun, ada auxiliary verb to be seperti am, is, dan are.

Possessive Pronoun: Mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, dan its.

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Last Update: Sat, 19 Nov 22