sebutkan 10 thanking expression Dan response nya!

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Sebutkan 10 thanking expression Dan response nya!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Expression of being grateful or thanking expression is usually uttered for saying how grateful or thankful you are after receiving something you like or need and being praised for your achievement. Here are they

1.Thank you for your help

2. I shall be thankful for this gifts.

3. I am so grateful for your help.

4. Thanks for the gifts though

5. I feel grateful for your help.

6. I thank you for these gifts.

7. Thanks a lot for your help.

8. Thank you so much for your assistance.

9. I shall be grateful for your kindness.

10. It is my honor to express how thankful and grateful to our fellows at war.

The response are

- you're welcome.

- no problem.

- That's fine/ alright

Hopefully the explanation is clear enough to say thank you.

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: English

Kategori: thanking expression

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Last Update: Tue, 16 Oct 18