Choose the best expression to complete the dialogues below !1.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Daffa1408 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Choose the best expression to complete the dialogues below !1. Mila : ….
Mumun : She has an oval face. She smiles nicely.
A. What is she like ?
B. What does she like ?
C. What does she look like ?
D. Does she have an oval face ?

2. Mona : ….
Mirna : She is charming. She is also a kind teacher.
A. What is she like ?
B. What does she like ?
C. What does she look like ?
D. Is she a charming and kind teacher ?

3. Mr Andy : Can you tell me what is Ani like ?
Rima : ….
Mr Andy : Oh I see. Thank you
A. She is a good and kind girl
B. She has long black hair
C. She lives near here
D. She is a student

4. Ms Tini : Can you tell me what does Ani look like ?
Rima : ….
Ms Tini : Oh I see. Thank you
A. She is a good and kind girl
B. She has long black hair
C. She lives near here
D. She is a student

5. This animal lives in water. It is very strong. It likes to eat meat or fish. It has very

sharp teeth. It has four short legs. What animal is it ?

A. eel

B. shark

C. crocodile

D. golden fish​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. C. What does she look like ?

2. B. What does she like ?

3. A. She is a good and kind girl

4. B. She has long black hair

5. C. crocodile


Hope it helps :3

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Last Update: Wed, 29 Jun 22