buatlah 5 kalimat (+) (-) (?) dengan menggunakan modal CAN,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mluthfimluthfi31 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

buatlah 5 kalimat (+) (-) (?) dengan menggunakan modal CAN, beserta mengunakan kalimat negatif, positif, introgatif dengan mengunkan to be able to​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



(+) He can play piano.

(-) He can't play piano

(?) Can he play piano?


(+) I can explain it to you.

(-) I can't explain it to you.

(?) Can I explain it to you?


(+) My cat can jump as high as two meters.

(-) My cat can't jump as high as two meters.

(?) Can my cat jump as high as two meters?


(+) You can come here every day.

(-) You can't come every day.

(?) Can you come here every day?


(+) My father can rapair the broken chair.

(-) My father can't repair the broken chair.

(?) Can my father repair thebroken chair>

to be able to


(+) I was able to finish my exam early yerterday.

(-) I wasn't able to finish my exam early yerterday.

(?) Was I able to finish my exam early yesterday?


(+) He will be able to join you later this afternoon.

(-) He won't be able to join you later this afternoon.

(?) Will he be able to join you later this afternoon?


(+) I am able to pay for my own education.

(-) I am not able to pay for my own edication.

(?) Am I able to pay for my own education?


(+) She is able to raise the children by herself.

(-) She isn't able to raise the children by herself

(?) Is she able to rais ethe children by herself?


(+) My sister is able to run five kilometers.

(-) My sister isn't able to run five kilometers.

(?) Is my sister able to run five kilometers?


Modal CAN dan adjective "TO BE ABLE TO" dipakai untuk menunjukkan KEMAMPUAN, KESANGGUPAN

Struktur kalimatnya adalah sbb:


(+) Subjek + CAN + Infinitive + objek dst

(-) Subjek + CAN NOT (biasa disingkat CAN'T) + infinitive + Objek dst

(?) CAN + subjek + infinitive + objek dst


ABLE adalah sebuah kata sifat (Adjective) yang bermakna "SANGGUP"

Karena dia adalah adjective maka penggunaannya harus di sertai to be:


I am able (Saya sanggup)

I am able to do it (Saya sanggup melakukan itu)

You are able to follow the lesson (kamu sanggup mengikuti pelajaran itu)

Struktur kalimat:

(+) Subjek + TO BE + ABLE + TO + Infinitive + objek dst

(-) Subjek + TO BE + NOT + ABLE + TO + Infinitive + objek dst

(?) TO BE + subjek + ABLE + TO + infinitive + objek dst?

Note: dalam rumus kalimat menurut sumber/buku lain mungkin disebutkan bukan infinitivetapiverb 1.

Infinitive memang mirip dengan verb1 tapi dalam hal ini infinitive tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk walaupun subjeknya He/She/It. Jadi verb nya tidak ditambah s di belakangnya walaupun subjeknya He/She/It.

Makanya sebenarnya lebih tepat disebut infinitive.

Semoga bermanfaat.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh JRPUR dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke yomemimo.com melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Tue, 22 Nov 22