Task 2Fill in the blank with the appropriate word!How to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rismawati40 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Task 2Fill in the blank with the appropriate word!
How to Use ATM Machine Withdrawing Cash
With an ATM Card.
1. Prepare your ATM card ... you go to the ATM.
2. Go to a ... ATM station or an ATM center.
3. Read the ... to insert the ATM card into the ATM machine.
4. Put your card into the
Choose a ..., Indonesia or English.
5. ... your personal identification number (PIN).
6. When the choices..., select "withdrawal from checking."
Enter the amount that you want to .
7. Wait for the ATM machine to .....
8. When your.l. appears, take it.
9. When the machine asks if you are finished, E."yes."
10. Take out the ....
11. Take your card.
12. Check for your belongings before ... the ATM..
1. Progress
b. Receipt
h. Before
m. Language
c. Nearby
i. Money
d. Directions
j. Enter
e. Press
a. Appear​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. h. Before (sebelum)

2. c. Nearby (terdekat)

3. d. Directions (petunjuk)


  • G.Slot (slot)
  • m. Language (bahasa)

5. j. Enter (masukkan)

6. a. Appear (muncul)

7. L. Progress (berproses)

8. i. Money (uang)

9. e. Press (tekan)

10. b. Receipt (tanda terima)

11. k. Withdraw (dengan mencabut)

12. f.Leaving (meninggalkan)


Task 2

Fill in the blank with the appropriate word!

How to Use ATM Machine Withdrawing Cash

With an ATM Card.


1. Prepare your ATM card before you go to the ATM.

  • Siapkan kartu ATM Anda sebelum Anda pergi ke ATM.

2. Go to a nearby ATM station or an ATM center.

  • Pergi ke stasiun ATM terdekat atau pusat ATM.

3. Read the directions to insert the ATM card into the ATM machine.

  • Baca petunjuk untuk memasukkan kartu ATM ke mesin ATM.

4. Put your card into the slot. Choose a language, Indonesia or English.

  • Masukkan kartu Anda ke dalam slot. Pilih bahasa, Indonesia atau Inggris.

5. Enter your personal identification number (PIN).

  • Masukkan nomor identifikasi pribadi Anda (PIN).

6. When the choices appear, select "withdrawal from checking." Enter the amount that you want to .

  • Ketika pilihan muncul, pilih "penarikan dari pemeriksaan." Masukkan jumlah yang Anda inginkan.

7. Wait for the ATM machine to progress

  • Tunggu hingga mesin ATM berproses

8. When your money appears, take it.

  • Ketika uang Anda muncul, ambillah.

9. When the machine asks if you are finished, press "yes."

  • Ketika mesin bertanya apakah Anda selesai, tekan "ya."

10. Take out the receipt

  • Keluarkan tanda terima

11. Take your card withdraw

  • Ambil dengan mencabut kartu Anda

12. Check for your belongings before leaving the ATM.

  • Periksa barang-barang Anda sebelum meninggalkan ATM.

=== Semoga Membantu ===


  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Fill in the blanks
  • Level: SHS
  • Kode Soal: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5

Kata Kunci: Vocabularies exercise


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Last Update: Sun, 19 Apr 20