The text below to answer questions 16 to 20!Text AText

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ayudesii pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The text below to answer questions 16 to 20!Text A
Text B
A Trip to the Zoo
Yesterday my family went to the zoo to
see the elephant and other animal. When
we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to
buy some food to give to the animals. After
getting the food we went to the nocturnal
house where we saw birds and reptiles
which only come out at night.
Before lunch we went for a ride on the
elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad nearly
fell off when he let go of the rope. During
lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the
afternoon we saw the animals being fed.
When we returned home we were tired
but happy because we had so much fun.

On April 15, 1912. Titanic, one of the
British largest and luxurious liners, sank
into the North Atlantic Ocean which about
400 miles south of Newfoundland,
That giant ship which carried 2,200
passengers and crews had struck an
iceberg. Two and a half hour later the ship
sank into the deep North Atlantic Ocean
at 2:20 a.m. From that tragedy, more
than 1,500 people went down in the
sinking ship. Some of them froze to death
in the icy North Atlantic water and around
700 people (high class woman and
children) survived. Unfortunately, that
giant luxurious ship was not equipped with
much more lifeboats and good emergency
procedures so that the victims of that
tragedy were more than the half
passengers and crews.

16. What is the tense used in the both texts above?
A Simple Past Tense
C. Past Continuous Tense
B Simple Future Tense
D. Present Continuous Tense
17. What type of text are the both texts?
A Text A is a factual recount and text B is a personal one
B. Text A is a personal recount and text B is a factual one
C. Text A is an imaginative recount and text B is a factual one
D. Text A is a personal recount and text B is an imaginative one
18. Talking about "orientation", how about the orientation of the both texts?
A The both texts haven't orientation
B. Text A has orientation, but text B hasn't
C. Text A orientation is more complete than text B
D. The orientation of both texts is begun by mentioning time
19. Talking about "conjunction". how about the conjunction of the both texts?
A. The both texts haven't conjunction
B. Text B has more than two conjunctions
C. Text A has conjunction, but text B hasn't
Text A conjunction is more complete than text B
0. "When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals." (Text
The sentence indicates that Text A..
A has more action verbs
C. uses temporal conjunction
B. uses past continous tense
D. focuses on specific participant​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

16. What is the tense used in the both texts above?

A. Simple Past Tense

B. Simple Future Tense

C. Past Continuous Tense

D. Present Continuous Tense

Karena kedua teks sama-sama menyatakan bahwa suatu aksi sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau.

17. What type of text are the both texts?

A Text A is a factual recount and text B is a personal one

B. Text A is a personal recount and text B is a factual one

C. Text A is an imaginative recount and text B is a factual one

D. Text A is a personal recount and text B is an imaginative one

Teks A menceritakan pengalaman penulis dan keluarganya saat mengunjungi kebun binatang, jadi disebut personal.

Teks B menceritakan Kapal Titanic yang tenggelam, jadi disebut factual.

18. Talking about "orientation", how about the orientation of the both texts?

A The both texts haven't orientation.

B. Text A has orientation, but text B hasn't.

C. Text A orientation is more complete than text B.

D. The orientation of both texts is begun by mentioning time.

Text A: "Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant and other animal." (paragraph 1)

Text B: "On April 15, 1912. Titanic, one of the

On April 15, 1912. Titanic, one of the British largest and luxurious liners, sank into the North Atlantic Ocean which about 400 miles south of Newfoundland, Canada." (paragraph 1)

19. Talking about "conjunction". how about the conjunction of the both texts?

A. The both texts haven't conjunction

B. Text B has more than two conjunctions

C. Text A has conjunction, but text B hasn't

D. Text A conjunction is more complete than text B

Conjunction adalah kata hubung. Berikut contoh-contohnya: and, but, which, dan lainnya.

20. "When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals." (Text A)

The sentence indicates that Text A...

A has more action verbs

B. uses past continuous

C. uses temporal conjunction

D. focuses on specific participant

Action verbs artinya kata yang mendeskripsikan aksi. Berikut contohnya: go, buy, see, dan lainnya.







Sorry if there's wrong answer.

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Last Update: Fri, 16 Jul 21