Read and answerHoliday in JakartaLast holiday, I went to my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fahridaaulia45 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read and answerHoliday in Jakarta
Last holiday, I went to my brother's home in Jakarta. I went there with my father by
train. Jakarta is very interesting, but the weather is too hot for me.
My brother, father and I went to the zoo by taxi. The zoo was very crowded. There
were many visitors. After buying the tickets, we went to see the animals in the zoo.
I saw many pelican birds. They were very hungry, so the zoo keeper fed them. Then,
saw many deer eating hay. In the same cage, I saw an ostrich. It was very big. It couldn't
fly but could run very fast. Its stomach was very big too. Before we went home, we bought
some drink and food. We took a rest in the bench under a big tree. I was very happy.

1. Where did the writer go in the last holiday?
2. What tourist destination did they visit?
3. What animal did they see firstly?
4. What were the deer doing?
5. What did they do before they went home?
6. What do the following words refer to?
a. They....
b. It .........
7. What is the aim of writing the text?
8. ..........

tolong di jwb ya kak​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Where did the writer go in the last holiday? = went to writer brother's home in Jakarta.

2. What tourist destination did they visit? = the zoo

3. What animal did they see firstly? = saw many pelican birds

4. What were the deer doing? = eating hay

5. What did they do before they went home? = bought

some drink and food

6. What do the following words refer to?

a. They.... = pelican birds

b. It ......... = ostrich

7. What is the aim of writing the text?

= To tell the readers

8. ..........


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Last Update: Wed, 14 Jul 21