Please make 5 verbal sentences (verb 2) in Simple Pas

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ReiAkane pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Please make 5 verbal sentences (verb 2) in Simple Pas tense in positive, negative and interrogative form and 5 nomina sentences (was/were) in Simple Pas tense in positive, negative and interrogative form.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. ( + ) She wasangry because youwere late. (Ia marah karena kamu terlambat.)

2. ( – ) She wasnot happy because youwere late. (Ia tidak bahagian karena kamu terlambat.)

3. ( ? ) Wasshe angry because youwere late? (Apa ia marah karena kamu terlambat?)

4. ( + ) My parents were very busy yesterday. (Orang tua saya sangat sibuk kejmarin.)

5. ( + ) The girl was tired so she went to bed early. (Anak perempuan itu lelah sehingga ia tidur lebih awal.)

6. ( – ) The girl wasn’t lazy; she was just tired. (Anak perempuan itu tidak malas; ia hanya lelah saja.)

7. ( ? ) Was the girl lazy so she went to bed early? (Apakah anak perempuanitu malas sehingga ia tidur lebih awal?)

8. ( + ) They were very excited to meet the artists. (Mereka sangat gembira bertemu para seniman itu.)

9. ( ? ) Were they bored to meet the artists? (Apakah mereka bosan bertemu para seniman itu?)

10. ( + ) My mother was outside when my father called. (Ibuku berada di luar saat ayahku menelepon.)

11. ( ? ) Was your mother at home when your father called? (Apa ibumu di rumah saat ayahmu menelepon?)

12. ( + ) The athletes werefriends since theywere in Junior High School. (Atlet-atlet itu berteman sejak mereka SMP.)

13. ( ? ) Were the athletes arrogant people?(Apakah atlet-atlet itu adalah orang yang sombong?)

14. ( + ) The hotel was very expensive. (Hotel itu sangat mahal.)

15. ( ? ) Was the hotel expensive? (Apakah hotel itu mahal?)

16. ( + ) Those books werein your bag so itwas very heavy (Buku-buku itu ada di dalam tasmu sehingga tas sangat berat.)

17. ( ? ) Were those books in my bag? (Apakah buku-buku itu ada di dalam tasku?)

18. ( + ) The bed was too small for all of them. (Tempat tidur itu terlalu kecil untuk mereka semua.)

19. ( + ) We were still here after you went home. (Kami masih di sini setelah kamu pulang.)

20. ( – ) We weren’t as happy as you were here. (Kami tidak sebahagia saat kamu di sini.)


maaf kalo salah


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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21