3.It was a very cold day. It was ___________of the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari elroyjogja pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

3.It was a very cold day. It was ___________of the year.(10 Poin)
a. the coldest
b. the colder
c. cold
4.Sofia is ___________ sister in my family.
(10 Poin)
a. old
b. very old
c. the oldest
5.Your attitude is as __________as ice
(10 Poin)
a. cold
b. coldest
c. colder
6.My younger brother is as __________ as I am
(10 Poin)
a. taller
b. tall
c. tallest
7.Mathematics exam is as __________ as English
(10 Poin)
a. easy
b. easier
c. easiest
8.It is a very pretty village. It’s ____________i’ve ever seen.
(10 Poin)
a. the more beautiful
b. beautiful
c. the most beautiful
9.She’s a very popular singer. She’s ________in the country.
(10 Poin)
a. the most famous
b. the famousest
c. as famous as
10.Liliana’s design is … than other designs.
(10 Poin)
11.Living in London is … than New York.
(10 Poin)
b.More expensive
c.The most expensive
12.The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
(10 Poin)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

3. A (the coldest)

4. C (the oldest)

5. A (cold)

6. B (tall)

7. A (easy)

8. C (the most beautiful)

9. A (the most famous)

10. B (worse)

11. B (more expensive)

12. B (higher)

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Last Update: Sun, 16 May 21