Rewrite the sentences using the correct capitalization. 1. we spent our

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari jansenktan854 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Rewrite the sentences using the correct capitalization.1. we spent our holiday in the south of france and stayed at a nice hotel.
2. gerry speaks english, french and spanish.
3. the flowers were like a carpet of gold.
4. my full name is valente Chaves lopez.
5. he loves italian food.
6. terry and louis went to central park last July.
7. miss sophia is my teacher.
8. James and i traveled north for 150 miles before we reached los angeles.
9. independence day is celebrated on july 4.
10. she lives in London and i live in paris.
11. on sunday, i Will see the movie star wars'.
12. next week i'd like to go to the movies.
13. my birthday is next friday.
14. rachel hid easter eggs for the 1st grade students.
15. i met john at the post office.
16. taylor e. hall will sing a solo at the concert on Friday.
17. marry and i have a friend from london, england.
18. did you know that abraham lincoln was the sixteenth president ?
19. what time is it in china ? asked my dad.
20. my favorite books are green eggs and a little pony.
Tolong bantu jawab semua ya yg bener jgn ngasal soalnya lgi quiz

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. We spent our holiday in the South of France and stayed at a nice hotel.

2. Gerry speaks English, French and Spanish.

3. The flowers were like a carpet of gold.

4. My full name is Valente Chaves Lopez.

5. He loves Italian food.

6. Terry and Louis went to Central Park last July.

7. Miss Sophia is my teacher.

8. James and I traveled North for 150 miles before we reached Los Angeles.

9. Independence Day is celebrated on July 4.

10. She lives in London and I live in Paris.

11. On Sunday, I Will see the movie Star Wars.

12. Next week I'd like to go to the Movies.

13. My birthday is next Friday.

14. Rachel hid easter eggs for the 1st grade students.

15. I met John at the Post Office.

16. Taylor E. Hall will sing a solo at the concert on Friday.

17. Marry and I have a friend from London, England.

18. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president?

19. What time is it in China? asked my dad.

20. My favorite books are Green Eggs and a Little Pony.

maaf kalo ada yang salah

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Jun 21