Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice! 1. He opens

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari cpr92 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice!1. He opens the door
2. She pays a lot of money
3. The wear dark brown shoes
4. He doesn't open the book
5. You do not write the letter
6. Lia Amelia is drinking a cup of hot milk
7. My father is washing the New motorcycle
8. She is taking a picture of him
9. I am writing a history of Indonesia
10. We are not playing table tennis
The passive voice menggunakan kata kerja 3
Tolong dijawab ya....
Help me please!!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The door is opened by him (Present Simple)

2. A lot of money is paid by her (Present Simple)

3. -

4. The book isn't opened by him (Present Simple)

5. The letter isn't written by you

6. A cup of hot milk is being drunk by Lia Amelia (Present Continuous)

7. The new motorcycle is being washed by my father (Present Cont)

8. A picture of him is being taken by her (Present Cont)

9. A history of Indonesia is being written by me (Present Cont)

10. Table tennis isn't being played by us (Present Cont)


Present Simple:

a) active: s+v(s/es)+o

b) passive: o+is/am/are+v3+by ...

Present Continuous:

a) active: s+is/am/are+v-ing+o

b) passive: o+is/am/are+being+v3+by ...

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21