Crispy Fried Shrimps1. Prepare all the ingredients, shrimps, corn flour, grated

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari felitalau pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Crispy Fried Shrimps1. Prepare all the ingredients, shrimps, corn flour, grated ginger, pepper, salt, cooking oil.
2. Mix the shrimp and grated ginger. Leave it for 10 minutes.
3. Mix together the corn flour, salt, pepper,seasoning and stir them thoroughly.
4. Dip each shrimp into the whisked egg, then roll it on the mixture of corn flour.
5. Fry the shrimp in the hot oil until golden. Serve the together with a bottle of tornato sauce or chili sauce.

21. The writer’s purpose of writing to text is ... *

A. To explain the steps to make.
B. To describe materials to make.
C. To inform of the way to enjoy.
D. To relate one’s experience when making.

22. What can the shrimps dip into the whisked egg? *

A. Before mixing them with grated ginger.
B. Before rolling them on the mixture of corn flour.
C. After mixing them with corn flour, salt and pepper.
D. After resting the ginger-mixed shrimps for 10 minutes.

23. What can you conclude from the text? *

A. It is tastier to eat the shrimp with chili sauce.
B. The shrimp is marinated with salt and pepper.
C. We can use any kinds of flour to make the dish.
D. It is better to eat the shrimps when they are cold.

24. “.... and stir them t͟h͟o͟r͟o͟u͟g͟h͟l͟y͟ .” (step 3)The underlined word is similar in meaning to ........ *

A. Efficiently.
B. Completely.
C. Gradually.
D. Slowly.

tolong dibantu kak deadlineny jam 10, jgn dijawab asal juga ya kak ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


21. A. to explain the steps to make

22. C. after mixing them with corn flour, salt and pepper

23. B. the shrimp is marinated with salt and pepper

24. B. completely

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Last Update: Tue, 27 Jul 21