, ID. ApproachThe following dialog is for questions 18 to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hasyanahegp6823 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

, ID. Approach
The following dialog is for questions 18 to 20.
Andy : Well, it is a bison. A bison has a long beard
for sure.
Andy : Guess what animal in the picture is!
and mane, but a buffalo doesn't.
Laura : Tell me more about it.
Andy : You see, this animal is huge. It has a hump
on its shoulder. It usually lives in America.
Laura : What about the fur?
Andy : It has deep brown fur and the fur can
grow very long, especially around the face
and head.
Laura : I see. Is a bison a fighter?
Andy : It is. It uses its short, curved, and black
horns to fight.
18. What differs a bison from a buffalo?​

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Jun 21