Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aurezahwww pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Soalnya Di Bawah

Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
- Buku paket bahasa Inggris hal 164 (My Hometown, teks bgn tengah)
Kalimat Positif dari teks My Hometown:
- I like my hometown.
- It is cool and green.
- The streets and the markets are clean.
- The traffic is rather dangerous.
- Some people drive too fast.
Kalimat Negatif dari teks My Hometown:
- But I don't like some things about my town.
Kalimat Tanya dari teks My Hometown: - (tidak ada)
- Jumlah kalimat menyesuaikan dengan jumlah kalimat yang ada di teks. Untuk Kalimat positif minimal 5, yang lain menyesuaikan yang ada. Jika tidak ada kalimat dalam tabel, tidak perlu ditulis.
Descriptive Text
- Teks yg mendeskripsikan manusia, hewan/benda.
Generic Structure
- Identification, pengenalan objek
- Description, berisi ciri/hal2 yg ada di objek
Berdasarkan soal
1. Teks pertamatentangMy brother yang dikatakan oleh anak lelaki yang tidak pakai kacamata.
- My brother is very smart. He is also a good football player He is generous. He is funny, too. I love him very much. But I don't like some things about him. His room is always messy. He puts his things everywhere. Sometimes he is smelly because he is sweaty but he doesn't take a bath straight away.He drinks too much soft drink.He does not like fresh water. I'm often worried about his health.
- Adikku sangat pintar. Dia juga pemain sepak bola yang bagus. Dia murah hati. Dia juga lucu. Saya sangat mencintainya. Tapi aku tidak suka beberapa hal tentang dia. Kamarnya selalu berantakan. Dia meletakkan barang-barangnya di mana-mana. Kadang bau karena berkeringat tapi tidak langsung mandi, terlalu banyak minum soft drink, tidak suka air tawar. Saya sering mengkhawatirkan kesehatannya.
2. Teks keduatentangMy Hometown yang dikatakan oleh anak lelaki yang pakai kacamata:
- I like my hometown. It is cool and green. There are many new buildings. The streets and the markets are clean. There are many plants on the sides of the roads. But I don't like some things about my town. The traffic is rather dangerous. Some people drive too fast. Many young people ride carelessly. They stop in wrong places and often block the ways. You have to be very careful when you cross the road.
- Saya suka kampung halaman saya. Itu sejuk dan hijau. Ada banyak gedung baru. Jalanan dan pasar bersih. Ada banyak tanaman di pinggir jalan. Tapi saya tidak suka beberapa hal tentang kota saya. Lalu lintas agak berbahaya. Beberapa orang mengemudi terlalu cepat. Banyak anak muda yang naik sembarangan. Mereka berhenti di tempat yang salah dan sering menghalangi jalan. kamu harus sangat berhati-hati saat menyeberang jalan.
3. Teks ketigatentanga lake yang dikatakan oleh anak perempuan berkerudung:
- There is a lake near my hometown. It's very large and panoramic. The forest around the lake is very green and cool. But, I want to say some sad things about it. It is very dirty and the foods and drinks are very expensive. People litter everywhere because there are not many garbage bins there. The vendors leave their waste everywhere. Some wooden benches are broken, so we cannot sit on them.
- Ada sebuah danau di dekat kampung halaman saya. Sangat besar dan indah. Hutan di sekitar danau sangat hijau dan sejuk. Tapi, saya ingin mengatakan beberapa hal yang menyedihkan tentang itu. Itu sangat kotor dan makanan serta minumannya sangat mahal. Orang membuang sampah sembarangan dimana-mana karena tidak banyak tempat sampah di sana. Para pedagang meninggalkan limbahnya di mana-mana. Beberapa bangku kayu rusak, jadi kami tidak bisa duduk di atasnya.
Kalimat Positif dari ketiga teks
Teks pertama:
- My brother is very smart.
- He is also a good football player
- He is generous.
- He is funny, too.
- I love him very much.
- His room is always messy.
- He puts his things everywhere.
- Sometimes he is smelly
- because he is sweaty
- He drinks too much soft drink
- I'm often worried about his health.
Teks kedua:
- I like my hometown.
- It is cool and green.
- There are many new buildings.
- The streets and the markets are clean.
- There are many plants on the sides of the roads.
- The traffic is rather dangerous.
- Some people drive too fast. Many young people ride carelessly.
- They stop in wrong places and often block the ways.
- You have to be very careful when you cross the road.
Teks ketiga:
- There is a lake near my hometown.
- It's very large and panoramic.
- The forest around the lake is very green and cool.
- But, I want to say some sad things about it.
- It is very dirty and the foods and drinks are very expensive.
- People litter everywhere because there are not many garbage bins there.
- The vendors leave their waste everywhere.
- Some wooden benches are broken,
Kalimat Negatif dari ketiga teks
- But I don't like some things about him.(Paragraf pertama)
- but he doesn't take a bath straight away.(Paragraf pertama)
- He does not like fresh water.(Paragraf pertama)
- But I don't like some things about my town. (Paragraf kedua)
- so we cannot sit on them.(Paragraf ketiga)
Tidak ada Kalimat Tanya dari ketiga teks
- English
- Descriptive Text
- 7.5
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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21