Father: Dito, what are you doing? Dito : I am

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari BintangCahaya17 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Father: Dito, what are you doing?Dito : I am Finishing the home work about
drawing dad.
Father: Can you do it by your self?
Dito: Yes Father I can do it. But any way.
Will You help me for mathematic?
Father: Gure. I will.
Dito : Thank Dad, Can you show me the theory of algebra
Father: I will not explain it to you. I can not study it well.
Dito : Well, I will ask mom about it.
Father: Ok son, good luck
Dito : Thank a lot Dad.​
Father: Dito, what are you doing? Dito : I am Finishing the home work aboutdrawing dad. Father: Can you do it by your self?Dito: Yes Father I can do it. But any way.Will You help me for mathematic?Father: Gure. I will.Dito : Thank Dad, Can you show me the theory of algebra Father: I will not explain it to you. I can not study it well.Dito : Well, I will ask mom about it. Father: Ok son, good luckDito : Thank a lot Dad.​

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Nov 22