Complete the sentences below using “There is” and “There are”.1. Look!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari berky pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Complete the sentences below using “There is” and “There are”.1. Look! …….a big house over there.

2. ……… two horses in the field. The colour is white and black.

3. ……… many historical things in the museum.

4. ……… a bird in that cage. The bird is so beautiful.

5. ……… some flowers and other plants in my garden. My mother always waters them everyday.

6. ……… a new car in my garage. It is my brother’s.

7. ……… some caterpillars in the flower in front of the school.

8. ……… some cats in my neighborhood.

9. ……… a big bathtub in my bathroom.

10. I won’t walk alone in front of that house. Because many people say that ……. a ghost there.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Look! There is a big house over there.

2. There are two horses in the field. The colour is white and black.

3. There are many historical things in the museum.

4. There is a bird in that cage. The bird is so beautiful.

5. There is some flowers and other plants in my garden. My mother always waters them everyday.

6. There is a car in my garage. It is my brother's.

7. There is some caterpillars in the flower in front of the school.

8. There is some cats in my neighbourhood.

9. There is a big bathtub in my bathroom.

10. I won't walk alone in front of that house. Because many people say that There is a ghost there.


Maaf kalau salah, karena saya belajar bahasa Inggris nya cuman 2 tahun, jadi maaf kalau tasalah.

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21