kak pliss besok mau dikumpol, tolong jawab ya kak ​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari agustinwulan724 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Kak pliss besok mau dikumpol, tolong jawab ya kak ​
kak pliss besok mau dikumpol, tolong jawab ya kak ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answer :

1. (-) : Tono doesn't study English every night.

  (?) : Does Tono study English every night?

2. (+) : They go to school everyday.

   (-) : They don't go to school everyday.

3. (+) : My mother and I cook in the kitchen every morning.

   (?) : Do my mother and I cook in the kitchen every morning?

4. (-) : Ariana and her friends don't swim in Metro Hotel every Sunday.

   (?) : Do Ariana and her friends swim in Metro Hotel every Sunday?

5. (+) : We play in the yard every break time.

   (?) : Do we play in the yard every break time?

Explanation :

Simple Present Tense is a tense that is used when an event is currently taking place or an event that occurs repeatedly (habits). These tenses are the most frequently used tenses in English.

Formula Simple Present Tense

If subject I / You / They / We, use Verb 1. If subject He / She / It, use Verb 1 with s/es.

The form of the verb spelling in the third person (He, She, It) depends on the ending of that verb.

  1. For the verb with the ending o, ch, sh, x, or z, add the es. Example : coach ⇒ coaches
  2. For the verb with the ending consonant + y, eliminate y and add the ies. For the verb with the ending vocal + y, add the s. Example : study ⇒ studies, play ⇒ plays
  3. For the verb with the ending consonant other than x, y, and z, add the s. Example : swim ⇒ swims

The Kind of Simple Present Tense

1. Simple Present Tense Affirmative

  Formula :

  S + Verb 1 + s/es + O/C (Verbal)

  S + is/am/are + O/C (Nominal)

  Example :

  • She reads a novel every day.
  • Joe Biden is the president of the United States.
  • They play football every Sunday.

2. Simple Present Tense Negative

   Formula :

   S + don't/doesn't + Verb 1 + O/C (Verbal)

   S + isn't/am not/aren't + O/C (Nominal)

   Example :

  • She doesn't read a novel every day.
  • Joe Biden isn't the president of the United States.
  • They don't play football every Sunday.

3. Simple Present Tense Interrogative

   Formula :

   Do/Does + S + Verb 1 + O/C + ? (Verbal)

   Is/Am/Are + S + O/C + ? (Nominal)

   Example :

  • Does she read a novel every day?
  • Is Joe Biden the president of the United States?
  • Don't they play football every Sunday?

Number 1 :

(+) : Tono studies English every night.

(-) : Tono doesn't study English every night.

(?) : Does Tono study English every night?

Number 2 :

(+) : They go to school everyday.

(-) : They don't go to school everyday.

(?) : Do they go to school everyday?

Number 3 :

(+) : My mother and I cook in the kitchen every morning.

(-) : My mother and I do not cook in the kitchen every morning.

(?) : Do my mother and I cook in the kitchen every morning.

Number 4 :

(+) : Ariana and her friends swim in Metro Hotel every Sunday.

(-) : Ariana and her friends don't swim in Metro Hotel every Sunday.

(?) : Do Ariana and her friends swim in Metro Hotel every Sunday?

Number 5 :

(+) : We play in the yard every break time.

(-) : We do not play in the yard every break time.

(?) : Do we play in the yard every break time?

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh ahmadasrorulmaula06 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Feb 22