quiz: terjemahin kak ke b. indo

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kayhanparsaradhika pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

quiz: terjemahin kak ke b. indo Even after the new addition to the Button family had had his hair cut short and then dyed to a sparse unnatural black, had had his face shaved so close that it glistened, and had been attired in small-boy clothes made to order by a flabbergasted tailor, it was impossible for Mr. Button to ignore the fact that his son was a poor excuse for a first family baby. Despite his aged stoop, Benjamin Button-for it was by this name they called him-was five feet eight inches tall. His clothes did not conceal this, nor did the clipping and dyeing of his eyebrows disguise the fact that the eyes underneath were faded and watery and tired.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.




Even after the new addition to the Button family had had his hair cut short and then dyed to a sparse unnatural black, had had his face shaved so close that it glistened, and had been attired in small-boy clothes made to order by a flabbergasted tailor, it was impossible for Mr. Button to ignore the fact that his son was a poor excuse for a first family baby. Despite his aged stoop, Benjamin Button-for it was by this name they called him-was five feet eight inches tall. His clothes did not conceal this, nor did the clipping and dyeing of his eyebrows disguise the fact that the eyes underneath were faded and watery and tired.

Bahkan setelah anggota baru keluarga Button dipotong pendek dan kemudian diwarnai menjadi hitam tidak wajar, wajahnya dicukur begitu dekat sehingga berkilau, dan telah mengenakan pakaian anak laki-laki kecil yang dibuat sesuai pesanan oleh seorang pria terperangah. penjahit, tidak mungkin bagi Mr. Button untuk mengabaikan fakta bahwa putranya adalah alasan yang buruk untuk bayi keluarga pertama. Meskipun bungkuknya sudah tua, Benjamin Button—karena begitulah mereka memanggilnya—tingginya lima kaki delapan inci. Pakaiannya tidak menyembunyikan ini, juga tidak pemotongan dan pewarnaan alisnya menyamarkan fakta bahwa mata di bawahnya memudar dan berair dan lelah.


maaf kalo salah ya kak

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Last Update: Mon, 02 May 22