Write sentences based on words given.Don't forget to use for

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Azzahraabila9432 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Write sentences based on words given.Don't forget to use for example or such as! 1.Languages,English,Japanese,Chinese. 2.Furniture,bed,cupboard,sofa. 3.Carbohydrate,potatoes,breads,rice. 4.Batik,batik Pekalongan,batik Cirebonan. 5.Skills,singing,dancing,painting. 6.Text types,narrative text,recount text,exposition text. 7.Islands,Bali,Maldives. 8.Business letters,job aplication letter,inquiry letter. 9.Toys,puzzle,rubik's cube. 10.Historical places,Borobudur temple. Mohon bantuannya kak,mksh.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. There are so many languages such as English, Japanese, Chinese
  2. IKEA is producing furniture such as bed, cupboard, and sofa
  3. Carbohydrate is contains at some plant example potatoes, bread, rice
  4. So many batik that's known by people for example Batik Pekalongan and Batik Cirebon
  5. We can find out our skill through of organization at school example singing, dancing and painting
  6. there are so many text types such as narrative text, recount text, exposition text
  7. In the world has many destination islands such as Bali and Maldives
  8. Business letter has some types such as job application letter and inquiry letter
  9. Toy that's improve your intellegency such as puzzle and rubik's cube
  10. Indonesia has historical place example borobudur Temple

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Last Update: Tue, 13 Jul 21