As Toby was running speedily through the lush meadow, he

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari anisahsofik9916 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

As Toby was running speedily through the lush meadow, he took flight and soared high through the blue sky. His legs felt extremely powerful and nimble, and he couldn't believe how fast he could move. He was deftly flying through the cool air across a lonely canyon, and he was good at it too. As he travelled the empty sky, beautiful rainbows and neon hearts streamed from the magic shoes. Toby suddenly bumped into an evil unicorn; the skies went black and Toby was very scared. The evil unicorn shot a grey beam of sad faces at Toby, and Toby barely dodged them by rolling left. Toby was very confused and worried, but he knew that the unicorn was terribly evil and must be stopped. He thought of the good things in the world, like cuddly puppies and happy butterflies. Toby lovingly shot a beam of pure goodness from his heart, hitting the unicorn gently in his wicked face. Identify 10 adverbs in the text above.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


a. meadow, flight, sky, legs, air, canyon, rainbows, heart(s), shoes, unicorn, beam, face(s), things, world, puppies, butterflies.

b. run, took, soared, believe, fly, travelled, streamed, bumped, went, shot, dodged, stopped, hit.


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Last Update: Thu, 22 Jul 21