There are six people in my family: my father, my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari delta345 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

There are six people in my family: my father, my mother, my elder sister, my twin sister,my little brother, and myself. My father is Mr. Samiri. He is a policeman. My mother is
Mes. Nurhasanak. She is a housewife. My big sister is Adelia. She is a college student.
My twin sister is Bidara. She is a junior high school student like me. My little brother is
Diega. He is still in kindergarten,
8. From the text we know that....
A. The writer is also a junior high school student.
B. The writer is the eldest child in her family.
C. The writer has two siblings.
D. The writer has no brother.
9. Based on the text we know that the writer's mother ....
A. is a police
B. is an architect
C. works as a teacher
D. does not work in the office
There are six people in my family: my father, my mother, my elder sister, my twin sister,
my little brother, and myself. My father is Mr. Samiri. He is a policeman. My mother is
Mes. Nurhasanak. She is a housewife. My big sister is Adelia. She is a college student.
My twin sister is Bidara. She is a junior high school student like me. My little brother is
Diega. He is still in kindergarten,
8. From the text we know that....
A. The writer is also a junior high school student.
B. The writer is the eldest child in her family.
C. The writer has two siblings.
D. The writer has no brother.
9. Based on the text we know that the writer's mother ....
A. is a police
B. is an architect
C. works as a teacher
D. does not work in the office

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


8 A

9 D


maaf kalo salah :(


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Last Update: Mon, 07 Mar 22