Choose the best answer1. Indah was 4

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rajinselalu pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Choose the best answer1. Indah was 4 years old. Dina is 4 years old.
So we can say that:
a.Indah is as age as Dina
b.Indah is the same age as Dina
c.Indah is the same old as Dina
d.Indah is as the same years as Dina

The text or no.2- 3
. Dila : Do you like your new house?
Dita : Absolutely.
Dila : It is more comfortable than your old house, isn’t it?
Dita :Yes, it is more comfortable and bigger, but …
Dila : But what?
Dita : I think it is very hot. There are only a few trees there.
Dila : That’s not a big problem. You can plant more trees to make your house cooler.

2. How is Dita’s new house compared to her old one?
a.It’s cooler c. it’s smaller
b.It’s shadier d. it’s more comfortable

3. Dila suggests that … around her new house.
a. Dila plant more trees
b. Dila plant fewer trees
c. Dila cut big trees.
d. Dila water trees

4. Data: Box A consists of 12 pcs x 1000ml
Box B consists of 12 pcs x 500 ml
Bobby : Which box do you prefer to bring?
Ricky : Box B. It is …. Tha box A
Bigger c. lighter
smaller d. heavier

The text for questions number 5 – 7
Beni is a good boy. He is the (5) … student in his class. In his family, he is (6) …. his brother. However, his brother is (7) ….. than him

5. a. smart c. smartest
b. smarter d. as smart as

6. a. as smart as c. smarter
b. smartest d. smart

7. a. most diligent c. as diligent as
b. more diligent d. diligent

8. Siti’s school is 6 km from her house. Dayu’s house is 8 km from her school. From the sentence above we know that Dayu’s house is … than Siti’s.
a. further c. farthest
b. farther d. as far as

9. I have two encyclopedias. So does Hasan. So have …. Hasan.
a. less encyclopedias
b. more encyclopedias
c. as much as encyclopedias
d. as many encyclopedias as

10. My grandfather gives Beni, my brother fifty thousand rupiahs to buy stationary. Siti, my sister gets fourty thousand rupiahs to buy doll. So my sister gets … money than my brother.
a. much c. more
b. many d. less

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. C.Indah is the same old as Dina

2. D.Its more comfortable

3. A.Dila plant more trees

4. C.Lighter

5. C.Smartest

6. A. As smart as

7. B.More diligent

8. B.Farther

9. C.As much as encyclopedias

10. D.Less

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Last Update: Mon, 02 Aug 21