1.the opposite of sad.2.the opposite of fast.3.the opposite of dry.4.the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari evanalazar3 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1.the opposite of sad.2.the opposite of fast.
3.the opposite of dry.
4.the opposite of rich
5.the opposite of left.
6.the opposite of first.
7.the opposite of low.
8.the opposite of noisy.
9.the opppsite of late.
10.the opposite of fat.
11.the opposite of far.
12.the opposite of white.
13.the opposite of hot.
14.the opposite of clean.
15.the opposite of old.
16.the opposite of easy.
17.the opposite of empty.
18.the opposite of short.​
1.the opposite of sad.2.the opposite of fast.3.the opposite of dry.4.the opposite of rich5.the opposite of left.6.the opposite of first.7.the opposite of low.8.the opposite of noisy.9.the opppsite of late.10.the opposite of fat.11.the opposite of far.12.the opposite of white.13.the opposite of hot.14.the opposite of clean.15.the opposite of old.16.the opposite of easy.17.the opposite of empty.18.the opposite of short.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


here are the answers!

I can't figure out one of them tho sorry

Jawaban:here are the answers! I can't figure out one of them tho sorry

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Last Update: Mon, 18 Apr 22