1. My friend is going to ______ . Because he

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari cathcher16 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. My friend is going to ______ . Because he is curious of that person's activities.a. Break into somewhere
b. Take cover
c. Follow someone
d. Wear a disguise

2. After the police ______ at the downtown mall, the police arrested the suspect.

a. Had escaped from somewhere
b. Had tapped a phone
c. Had spied on someone
d. Had worn a disguise

3. The man ______ so nobody can recognize him.

a. wears a disguise
b. spy on someone
c. decodes a message
d. escape from somewhere

4. We ____ when we want people to believe things that aren’t true

a. make a deal
b. tell a lie
c. tap a phone
d. track down a person

5. The spy ______ behind the bush.
a. is wearing a disguise
b. is tapping a phone
c. is breaking into somewhere
d. is taking cover

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Last Update: Thu, 22 Jul 21