I have a favorite thing in my life.It is Made

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I have a favorite thing in my life.It is Made of leather .The colour is black.It has two laces.The shape is like a pillow but pointed on one side.I used to use it to school and some formal events.It is a couple things.I like it very much.Can you guess what is my favorite thing ?1. What is the text talk about ?

2. What is the thing Made of ?

3. How is the shape of the thing ?

4. Where does the writer usually use it ?

5. Guess what thing it is ?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.the text describes the description of objects

2. The thing made of leather

3.The shape is like a pillow but pointed on one side

4.He used to use it to school and some formal events

5. it's a bag


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Last Update: Thu, 10 Feb 22