tolong jawab dengan benar please​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari abielganzz pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Tolong jawab dengan benar please​
tolong jawab dengan benar please​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (-)Mr. Pataya did not catch the train to Nagoya.

(?) Did Mr. Pataya catch the train the train to Nagoya?

2. (-)They did not clean the house in the afternoon.

(?) Did they clean the house in the afternoon?

3. (-) My little sister did not do her homework with her friend.

(?) Did my little sister do her homework with her friend?

4. (-) I did not take the bus number 9A to Jakarta.

(?) Did I take the bus number 9A to Jakarta?

5. (-) Uncle did not try to fix the bicycle at the garage.

(?) Did uncle try to fix the bicycle at the garage?

6. (-)Anneth did not have two cats in her house.

(-) Does Anneth have two cats in her house?

7. (-) Andre did not go to Jogjakarta with my friends last week.

(?) Did Andre go to Jogjakarta with my friends last week?

8. (-)Dion did not win the speech contest in his school two days ago.

(?) Did Dion win the speech contest in his school two days ago?

9. (-)Sinta and Sindy were not at the school library yesterday afternoon.

(?) Were Sinta and Sindy at the school library yesterday?

10. (-)He did not send a letter to his friends last Sunday.

(?) Did he send a letter to his friends last Sunday?


smoga membantu ^^

pls kasi 5 bintang cape nulisnya HHAHSHAH

canda canda

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jul 21