make a story about three friends!!.

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Make a story about three friends!!.

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make a story about three friends!!.

membuat cerita tentang tiga teman

My screen is on. There was a message posted on group line.

"I finished the interview, she said it was tonight," wrote iko.

The message was greeted with yet another recompense of questions from me and another man named yoses. That day, iko just finished the interview phase that determined where her life was going to go after her graduate degree. A day later, iko was hired. Immediately she had to pack her things from bandung, a city where we brought together and to build up the friendship of the three of us.

Starting with the taunts

Our friendship story began in 2001. The three of us were kids. I sat in first grade, while the two of them were still in kindergarten. We met in church, right in a Sunday school class. But we weren't exactly besties back then. We just knew each other without knowing each other.

We only got to know each other in 2004. At that time, in the middle of the year, our church held an annual program called the Gospel school vacation (sil). The program was organized especially to fill in the activities of children who were out of school. During one session, a speaker gave children who wanted to be baptized the opportunity to raise their hands and step forward. At first I refused to raise my hand, but since almost all the children at the time raised their hands, I joined in. Among the many children who raised the hand, there were yoses and iko as well.

During tigh


semoga bermanfaat

maaf kalo salah

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Last Update: Thu, 30 Dec 21