* Change the words in the brackets into the correct

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari qilia88lagu pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

* Change the words in the brackets into the correct form of past perfect tense! 1. Mitha (enjoy) her food as soon as she (taste). Anstver ************ 2. Your hometown (change) a lot when you (go) there. Answer *** *** ** 3. When we (get) home last night, we found that somebody (break) into flat. Ansurer: *** *********** 4. Karen (not/want) to come to the cinema with us because she already (see) the film ***** *** ***** ***** 5. The man sitting next to me on the plane (be) very nervous. He never (flow) before Anstuer, frein ธน . . - પદ છે માટે જ $ + જ $ જ , છે "​

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Last Update: Wed, 05 Jan 22