The following text is for questions 34 to 35 !Ampera

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari heninurhaeni576 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The following text is for questions 34 to 35 !Ampera bridge is typically Palembang city icon that located
in the heart of Palembang city, that connected Seberang Ulu area and
Seberaing llir that separated by the Musi River
The idea to unite the two mainland in Palembang Seberang
Ulu and Seberang lir" by the bridge, was actually existed since
Gemeente era in 1906, when the Mayor of Palembang is held by Le
Coca de Ville, in 1924. This idea was raised again and made a lot of
effort to realize it. However, until Le Cocq was out of duty, or when the
Dutch pull out of Indonesia, the project was never realized.
Unit 1965, this bridge was officially opened by Bung Karno,
the indonesia's first President. The idea of this bridge came up to be a
match for London's Tower Bridge and the fund for the development is
aven by Japanese war reparations, with Fuji Car Manufacturing Co. Ltd
s the designer and constractioner. After the development, the early
ame of the bridge was Bung Karno Bridge, but following his fall, it was​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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eehhh nande2 okarikimasta hehe gomezai

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Jul 21