The following text is for questions 46 – 50. Press

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dimaszakka570 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The following text is for questions 46 – 50.Press the "power" button to turn on the photocopier. If there is no response from the device, try to press the "copy" button. It may be turned to "sleep" mode. Check the paper tray that is located on the side of the machine to ensure that the copier has enough paper in it.

2. Lift the photocopier's lid. Then, put your document on the glass surface. Put the side that you want to copy downward, facing the glass surface.

3. Close the copier cover after you are sure the document has been placed properly.

4. Press the digital number to select the number of copies you need. Press the plus and minus button to add or reduce the quantity.

5. Choose black-and-white copies or colour copies according to your needs.

6. After selecting the colour preference, specify the paper size. If you want to use special paper size, you have to feed that paper into the tray.

7. Finally, press the "copy" button and your document is copied.

46. Why does the writer publish the text?

A. To guide the readers in how to operate a photocopier properly.

B. To show the readers the steps of turning on a photocopier.

C. To tell how to make a copy of a special paper size.

D. To select the ways of making copies.

47. What should you do when placing the document on the glass surface?

A. Choose colour copies or black-and- white copies.

B. Press the button to make changes.

C. Put it downward on the glass.

D. Close the copier cover.

48. How do you change the quantity of the copies?

A. By feeding the tray with more paper.

B. By pressing the plus and minus keys.

C. By selecting the colour preference.

D. By pressing the copy button.

49. "..., you have to feed that paper into the tray." (Step 5)

The underlined word means . . .

A. bring

B. load

C. take

D. cut

50. The text is useful for those who . . . use the photocopier.

A. rarely

B. always

C. frequently

D. for the first time

Complete the following text to answer questions 51-54.

How to Make a Glass of Pineapple Juice

- First, cut up a piece of pineapple

- Then, put the pineapple into the (51) . . .

- Pour a half glass of water into the blender. Add a (52) . . . of sugar.

- (53) . . . some ice cubes into the blender.

- (54) . . . the blender. Wait for several minutes.

- Now, your juice is ready to (55) . . .

51. . . .

A. cup

B. bowl

C. plate

D. blender

52. . . .

A. spoonful

B. scoop

C. bowl

D. glass

53. . . .

A. throw

B. slice

C. cook

D. add

54. . . .

A. play

B. turn on

C. press

D. push

55. . . .

A. cook

B. take

C. serve

D. cut

The following text is for questions 56 – 60.

How to Wash Your Hair.

1) First of all, use warm water to rinse your hair. Warm water is good to clean and remove the dirt trapped in the hair.

2) Put a small amount of shampoo if you have long hair. It will keep your hair healthy, smoother and shiny.

3) Lather up the scalp. Because the hair closest to the scalp is the youngest, it is better to wash the hair from the roots to ends. The farthest hair from the scalp is more fragile and the oiliest.

4) Rub your hair gently. Rubbing the hair too harshly may damage it permanently.

5) Don't wash your hair twice because washing it once is enough, unless your hair is very dirty and the first shampoo did not produce any lather.

6) After you've finished washing your hair, squeeze the water from the hair and put in the conditioner.

7) Clip your hair up. Let the conditioner stays on your hair so that it will be absorbed well.

8) Rinse your hair with cold water. This will help your hair shine better and shut the follicles tight.

56. It is suggested to use warm water when rinsing the hair . . . it will get rid of dirt.

A. when

B. since

C. if

D. so

57. Which part of the hair is the oiliest?

A. The farthest from the scalp.

B. The nearest to the scalp.

C. In the middle.

D. On the edge.

58. Why is it not necessary to repeat lathering up our hair?

A. Cold water will shut the follicles tight.

B. Lathering and rinsing once is enough.

C. The warm water has already cleaned the hair.

D. The conditioner will have more time.

59. What should we do before applying the conditioner on our hair?

A. Clipping the hair up.

B. Rinsing the hair using cold water.

C. Drying the hair using a hair dryer.

D. Squeezing the water out of the hair.

60. What happens to the follicles when we rinse the hair with cold water?

A. They close tightly.

B. They shine brightly.

C. They become layers.

D. They absorb the conditioner.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


51. D

52. A

53. D

54. B

55. C

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Last Update: Sun, 09 Jan 22