Tolong dijawab ya kak plis semua pertanyaannya dan hrs benar

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aya27cswonf pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Tolong dijawab ya kak plis semua pertanyaannya dan hrs benar ya kak1. where did the writer go last week?
a. he went to the theatre
b. he went to the supermarket
c. he went to the library
d. he went to the doctor
2. did he enjoy the play?
a. yes, he did
b. no, he didn't
c. yes, he would
d. no, he won't
3. who was sitting behind him?
a. some children
b. two teenagers
c. a young man and a young woman
d. young actress and a young actros
4. why did the writer get angry?
a. because he didn't enjoy the play
b. because young man and a young woman were sitting behind him were talking loudly
c. because he wanted to turn round
d. because the movie was not interesting
5. could the writer hear the actors?
a. yes, he could
b. yes, he can
c. no, he couldn't
d. no, he can't​
Tolong dijawab ya kak plis semua pertanyaannya dan hrs benar ya kak1. where did the writer go last week? a. he went to the theatre b. he went to the supermarket c. he went to the library d. he went to the doctor 2. did he enjoy the play? a. yes, he did b. no, he didn't c. yes, he would d. no, he won't3. who was sitting behind him? a. some children b. two teenagers c. a young man and a young woman d. young actress and a young actros4. why did the writer get angry? a. because he didn't enjoy the play b. because young man and a young woman were sitting behind him were talking loudly c. because he wanted to turn round d. because the movie was not interesting5. could the writer hear the actors? a. yes, he could b. yes, he can c. no, he couldn't d. no, he can't​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. a. he went to the theatre

2. b. no, he didn't

3. c. a young man and a young woman

4. b. because young man and a young woman were sitting behind him were talking loudly

5. c. no, he couldn't

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Last Update: Sun, 29 May 22