DECRIPTIVE TEXTTask 1Read and observe the texts below.Text A

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ribapreaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read and observe the texts below.
Text A
I have a new dog. Its name is Browney. My father bought me theree months ago. It's a male sheepdog. So it's quite big for a dog. He has brown fur. Browny is very active. He always runs around in the house.
I always take him for walk in the morning. I also teach Browny several tricks. Frist, I taught him to sit. It's hard you know. Initially, I helped him to sit. Then, after a few days, Browny understood what I said. He is a smart dog.
I also taught him to catch a ball. I threw a ball then asked him to bring it back for me. He is an adroit dog. He ran as fast as he can as I tossed the ball. But, instead of giving me the ball back he buried it. what a naughty dog. After several times, he understood that he must gave the ball to me not burry it.

Text B
My name is Ruri. I have a pet at home. It is Bebi. Bebi is a year old female rabbit. She is very cute.

She has white fur. Her fur is so soft and clean. I always give her milk. She likes milk so much. Every afternoon and evening, she eats carrot. she is an active animal. She likes jumping around the house and yard. She sometimes plays with me at the front yard of my house. When she feels tired, she sleeps in the cage, I love her so much.

Based on the texts above, describe Browny and Bebi by filling the table below.

Appearance | Characteristic

Appearance | Characteristic

Let's say good things about your pets.
Answer the following questions as guindance. Write down your answers in a good paragraph.

The following questions can help you!

1. Do you have a pet or favorite animal?

2. What is it? Do you love it?

3. What color is the animal?

4. What is its food?

5. Please describe more about it?

6. Where do you keep it?

7. How do you feel about it?

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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



  • male
  • Big
  • Brown fur, and
  • very active


  • White fur
  • Female
  • soft
  • clean

contoh decriptve text:

"I have a lovely cat named yui, my father bought it for me on my 15th birthday last month. She has fluffy orange fur, and wide eyes. She is quite lazy, at the most of time she spend all day to sleep around the corner. but when the dried fish smell is in the air, she's very happy and start to "meow" and run around. she lives in our home and sleeps well on the living room, but if she wants to use bathroom, she'll go to the sand that already been prepared at the backyard. i loved yui because she is a part of family now and complete us.

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Last Update: Sun, 04 Jul 21