F. Task II Boy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari beatrixdsukur pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

F. Task IIBoy Scouts learn useful skills while having fun. Scouts swim and play sports, go camping and hiking, and learn how to survive in the outdoors. They learn how to protect the environment and conserve resources.

Other Scout activities include making arts and crafts, learning first aid, and learning how to use computers or fix cars. Scouts often do community service and volunteer work.

Scouting has many ranks. Scouts advance through the ranks by learning new skills and earning badges.

Scouts learn teamwork and cooperation by working together. Scout law requires Scouts to practice many virtues. Among them, a Scout should be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, and cheerful.

. Questions:
1. What does the text tell you about?

2. what is the main idea of paragraph 4?

3. What virtues should scouts do in their real lives?

4. “Among them, a Scout should be trustworthy…” (par 4)
What does the word “them” in the sentence refer to?

5. “They learn how to protect the environment and conserve resources.”
What does the underlined word mean?

6. Which of the following activities belongs to the community service?

Note: What do the above questions ask students about? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Reading Comprehension:

1. What does the text tell you about?

The text tells us about Boy Scouts.

2. what is the main idea of paragraph 4?

The main idea of paragraph 4 is about Teamwork & Virtues.

3. What virtues should scouts do in their real lives?

Scouts should practice being trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, and cheerful in their real lives.

4. “Among them, a Scout should be trustworthy…” (par 4)

What does the word “them” in the sentence refer to?

The word "them" in the sentence refers to virtues.

5. “They learn how to protect the environment and conserve resources.”

What does the underlined word mean?

It means that Scouts should keep resources safe from being damaged by anything.

6. Which of the following activities belongs to the community service?

Serving senior people in a nursing care facility.

Note: What do the above questions ask students about? ​

The above questions ask students about Virtues.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Reading Comprehension (pemahaman bacaan) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Pemahaman bacaan:

1. Apa yang diceritakan teks tersebut kepadamu?

Teks tersebut menceritakan tentang Pramuka.

2. apa gagasan utama paragraf 4?

Gagasan utama paragraf 4 adalah tentang Kerja Sama & Kebajikan.

3. Kebajikan apa yang harus dilakukan pramuka dalam kehidupan nyata mereka?

Pramuka harus berlatih menjadi amanah, setia, membantu, ramah, sopan, baik, patuh, dan ceria dalam kehidupan nyata mereka.

4. “Di antara mereka, seorang Pramuka harus dapat dipercaya…” (par 4)

Apa arti kata "mereka" dalam kalimat tersebut?

Kata "mereka" dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada kebajikan.

5. “Mereka belajar bagaimana melindungi lingkungan dan melestarikan sumber daya.”

Apa arti dari kata yang digarisbawahi?

Artinya Pramuka harus menjaga sumber daya agar tidak rusak oleh apa pun.

6. Manakah dari kegiatan berikut yang termasuk dalam pengabdian masyarakat?

Melayani orang lanjut usia di fasilitas asuhan keperawatan.

Catatan: Apa pertanyaan di atas yang ditanyakan kepada siswa?

Pertanyaan di atas menanyakan kepada siswa tentang Kebajikan.

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Sun, 29 May 22