pertanyaan nya:1. What does the text talk about ? 2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sintiaasmi1 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Pertanyaan nya:1. What does the text talk about ?
2. What should you do after read the direction on the rice package ?
3. The text is written in order to ..
4. What should you do before cover the pot with the lid ? 5. What will be happened if we add water over fill line in ricecooker
6. what must you suppose to do before using ricecooker ?
7. What is the use of a warmer ?
8. What should you do if the lid is lost ?
9. " you may choose to have..." the underlined word refers to ...
10. ".... refain from lifting the lid to check on it." The word "it" refers to....​
pertanyaan nya:1. What does the text talk about ? 2. What should you do after read the direction on the rice package ?3. The text is written in order to .. 4. What should you do before cover the pot with the lid ? 5. What will be happened if we add water over fill line in ricecooker 6. what must you suppose to do before using ricecooker ? 7. What is the use of a warmer ? 8. What should you do if the lid is lost ? 9.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. How to make rice with a ricecooker

2. After reading the direction on the rice package, You should start measuring the rice according to the instructions

3. The text is written in order to explain on how to properly cook rice

4. Before you cover the pot with the lid, You should add the amount of water specified on the rice package

5. If water is overfilled, The rice will come out mushy

6. Before using the rice cooker, Make sure the ricecooker is plugged

7. A warmer is used for keeping the rice stay warm even after it's finished cooking

8.If the lid is lost, Try using a layer of aluminium foil

9. The timer (?)

10. The rice that is cooking


Hope this helps ^^

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Last Update: Mon, 10 Jan 22