Practise about Present Tense Change the correct Verb 1. Children often.....their

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari niccijeanny pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Practise about Present TenseChange the correct Verb
1. Children often.....their time with their friends in the afternoon,(spend)
2. Yosi the robotic course every Monday.(go)
3. Laila and I....the same hobby.(have)
4. The girls always....the cooking class on weekends.(join)
5. We usually....milk in the morning.(drink)
6. Maya...the dishes in the afternoon (wash)
7. Bagas ... early in the morning.(study)
8. They....the books to the bookshop (carry)
9. He often with my homework.(help)
10. A cat...trees easily.(climb)
11. Mother… a meatball (cook)
12. They… dancing (practice)
13. His friend…. him after school (visit)
14. I … English (teach)
15. You …. my bike (wash)
16. My mother and my aunt.... the Bank (go)
17. A cat….. trees easily(climb)
18. They….. English (study)
19. We …. our hands (wash)
20. My friends….. to the beach (go)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. spend

2. goes

3. have

4. join

5. drink

6. washes

7. studies

8. carry

9. helps

10. climbs

11. cooks

12. practice

13. visits

14. teach

15. wash

16. go to

17. climbs

18. study

19. wash

20. go


Present Tense:

He, she, it menggunakan verb + s, atau di beberapa ada yang +es atau +ies









I, You, We, they dan subjek plural TIDAK menggunakan +s/+es/+ies, verbnya tetap sama.

Semoga membantu, mohon kalau bisa brainliest answer.

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Last Update: Sun, 27 Feb 22