CORRECT MISTAKES IN BELOW SENTENCESThose'll be £12.50 a night, including

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sifadit2120 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

CORRECT MISTAKES IN BELOW SENTENCESThose'll be £12.50 a night, including breakfast

2. Who bought those one?

3. Yes. These one's very expensive

4 Linda, these are my teacher of history

5. That cigarettes are mine

6. The Toshiba TV5 is on special offer these day 7 What did you do that momings?

8. Whose cars are that?

9. This hotels is the oldest one in our city.

10 it's me. At this time I was very slim

11. Give him that books

12. She looks much more beautiful those day

13. Don't call this boy over there​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?8,who's car is that

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?8,who's car is that9,this hotel is the oldest one in our city

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?8,who's car is that9,this hotel is the oldest one in our city10,i am ,at that time i was very slim

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?8,who's car is that9,this hotel is the oldest one in our city10,i am ,at that time i was very slim11,give him those books

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?8,who's car is that9,this hotel is the oldest one in our city10,i am ,at that time i was very slim11,give him those books12,she looks much more beatifull that day

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?8,who's car is that9,this hotel is the oldest one in our city10,i am ,at that time i was very slim11,give him those books12,she looks much more beatifull that day13,dont call that boy over there

Jawaban:1,That will be £12.50 a night ,including breakfast2,who bought these ones3,yes ,this one is very expensive4,linda ,this is my history teacher5,those cigarettes are mine6,the toshiba TV5 is on a special offer this day7,what did you do that morning?8,who's car is that9,this hotel is the oldest one in our city10,i am ,at that time i was very slim11,give him those books12,she looks much more beatifull that day13,dont call that boy over thereSemoga membantu

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh alunahany dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jul 21