DurianDurian is classified as durio zibethinus. It is native to

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DurianDurian is classified as durio zibethinus. It is native to southeast asia. Durian is known as ‘king of fruits’. It is not only the most expensive fruit but also the most controversial fruit. It is the only fruit which is banned from airline cabins, hotels and some public transports.

the durian tree is large and very tall. It can grow up to 20-25 meters and it has green elliptical leaves. A durian tree usually can bear fruit after four or five years. The durian fruit, which can hang-from any branches, matures in about three months after pollination. The fruit can grow up to 30 centimeters long and 15 centimeters in diameter.

the husk is covered with sharp thorns. The color of the husk ranges from green to brown. The flesh is pale yellow. It is very soft but not juicy, when it is ripe, it tastes sweet and smells very strong.
Durian contains a lot of sugar, vitamin c, and potassium. Durian is also a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Durian is usually eaten flesh. Sometimes it is also cooked to make ‘ dodol’ or jam. Durian used to be grown from seeds, but now it is propagated by grafiting.

1. what is the tittle of the text 2.what is the scientific term foe the durian?
3.where is the durian from?
4.why is the durian controversial?
5. what are the characteristics of durians trees?
6. what does durian contain?
7. how do people consume durians?
8. how do people reproduce durians trees?

minta tolong dijawab cepat dong. .

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Durian


3. Asia Tenggara

4. Because this fruit is the only fruit that is prohibited in the cabin of airlines, hotels, and some public transportation

5. -The durian tree was big and tall

-Growing up to 20-25 meters and ellipses are green

- Durian trees can usually bear fruit after 4 to 5 years

6. durian contains a lot of sugar, vitamin c, and potassium

7. Durian is usually eaten flesh. Sometimes it is also cooked to make ‘ dodol’

8. Durian used to be grown from seeds, but now it is propagated by grafiting

ini arti Indonesia nya:

1. Durian


3. Asia Tenggara

4.karna buah durian adalah buah satu-satunya yang dilarang di kabin maskapai penerbangan,hotel, dan beberapa angkutan umum

5. -pohon durian itu besar dan tinggi

-tumbuh hingga 20-25 meter dan elips berwarna hijau

-pohon durian biasanya bisa berbuah setelah 4-5 tahun

6. durian mengandung gula, vitamin C, dan kalsium

7. daging durian biasanya dimakan. bisa juga dimasak untuk membuat dodol

8. durian ditanam dari biji, tetapi sekarang diperbanyak dengan grafiting

maaf itu yg no 2 ga kejawab..

itu soalnya 'istilah ilmiah musuh durian?' saya ga tau jawabannya...cmn bisa bntu segitu

semoga membantu:')

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Last Update: Thu, 22 Jul 21