Once upon a time there was an honest shoemaker who

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Once upon a time there was an honest shoemaker who was very poor . Even though he worked as hard as he could, he could not earn enought to keep himself and his wife. At last,there came a day when he had nothing left but one piece of leather, which is big enough to make one pair of shoes.He cut out the shoes and left them on the bench.Then he said his prayers and went to bed,trusting that he could finish the shoes the next day and sell them.Them next morning,he went to his workbench as soon as he woke up.There Lay a pair of shoes, beautifully made, and the leather was gone! There was no sign ofanyone having been there.The shoemaker and his wife did not know what to make of it. But the first customer who came to his shop was so pleased with the beautifull shoes. He bought them and paid much money so that the shoemaker was able to buy leather enough for two pairs. [Adapted from Center for Urban Education,DePaul University.(n.d). The Elves and the Shoemaker.Retrived from http;//gg.gg/ocokqon 15 February 2021.]. Question a. find two adverb clouses in the text above. B. find two adjectives clause in the text above. c. find two noun clause in the text above.​

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Jul 21