Ethan is studying in his room. Then, his brother Lucas

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Ethan is studying in his room. Then, his brother Lucas comes in. Lucas Ethan Sorry to bother you. It's OK. What's up? Lucas Can you tell me how to answer these questions? Ethan Let me see. First, you must read the text. Then, you read the questions, and focus on the paragraph. Are you with me? What do you mean by focusing on the paragraph? Well, to find the answer to question number three, you mu focus on paragraph two. I see. You S D D Enter ↑ Shift Pg Dn End Lucas Ethan Lucas Ethan And to find the answer to question number four, you must understand the whole paragraph. Are you with me so far? Lucas I'm not sure I get your point. Ethan: Well, you must understand the story before drawing conclusions Lucas Oh, I know what you mean. Thanks.pertanyaan
how many times does ethan checkinh for understand?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


2 times


Ethan checked 2 times

1st    : Are you with me?

2nd : Are you with me so far?

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Last Update: Wed, 24 Nov 21