1. My town is ..... in this city. A. the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari charmangellee pada mata pelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. My town is ..... in this city.A. the most peaceful
B. peacefuller than
C. peaceful than
D. more peaceful than

2. This film is awful. In fact, it’s .... (bad) film I`ve ever seen.

A. The baddest
B. The worst
C. The worse
D. Worse than

Read the text and answer the question number 3-4 based on the text!
Once upon a time, a hungry fox was roaming
around here and there searching for food.
Because of hunger, he was feeling weak and tired.
Fortunately, he came to a garden where he saw a
grape vine laden with bunches of grapes they
looked quite ripe and juicy.
The fox looked at the grapes with longing eyes
and licked his chops. But the bunches were too
high for him and he was feeling weak. So he sat
down for a while to take some rest. On feeling
refreshed, he jumped as high as he could, to get
at the grapes. But he failed to reach them.
Then he again rested for some time and made
another bold attempt, but was unlucky for the
second time

3. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. A hungry fox was roaming
B. A hungry fox was happy
C. He was feeling weak and tired
D. The fox looked at the grapes

4. What is the lesson taken from the story ?

A. Don’t be angry
B. Never trust others
C. It's easy to despise what you cannot have.
D. It’s easy to find food

5. “a hungry fox was roaming around here and there searching for food.The " searching" word is synonym to......

A. looking
B. jumping
C. eating
D. thinking

6. My father is 45 years old. My mother is 46 years old. So, My mother is …than my father.

A. older
B. younger
C. stronger
D. taller

7. Most students think that Mathematics is … than other subjects.

A. more expensive
B. more beautiful
C. more diligent
D. more difficult

8. Please arrange these paragraphs into the correct order! a. It was the tallest animal at the zoo, even taller than me! b. When I got there, the first animal I saw was giraffe. c. The fun part was when I get to have a picture with an animal. d. Then I went to see the lion’s den. e. The animal I took a picture with was an orangutan. f. The lion was sleeping, so I was upset I couldn’t get to hear it roar. g. The orangutan kept hugging me that the zookeeper had to do extra effort to take the orangutan back.

A. b, a, f, d, c, e, g.
B. b, a, d, f, c, e, g.
C. E, g, c, f, d, a, b
D. E, a, d, f, c, e, g

9. Tom wants to be a vet because….

A. he wants to take care of baby.
B. he wants to help people in trouble.
C. he wants to help people in the beach.
D. he wants to take care of animals.

10. My sister wants to be a lawyer because….

A. he wants to take care of baby.
B. he wants to help people in trouble.
C. he wants to help people in the beach.
D. he wants to take care of animals.

usaha kan semua benar ya, jika ngasal saya report​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. b

2. c

3. a

4. a

5. b

6. d

7. a




maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Mar 22